Saturday, December 4, 2010

Dec 4

The fact is that the propane pumps had too many steel posts around them so me removing one with the RV was actually doing the dealer a favour !! Other than that, and killling the battery by running the furnace without the generator all night, things are smoothing out. Left Windsor Dec 1 & got as far as Beaverdam, Ohio before pulling over due to blowing snow. Got up at 2:00am the next morning and drove to just past Nashville that night. Next day, got to Memphis around noon. Staying on Houndog Lane at Heartbreak Hotel RV Park which is at the end of Lonely Street (Nope, I ain't kidding). Toured Graceland in the P.M. & was actually quite impressed but the tacky souvenirs were hillarious. My fave was a Mr. Potato Head Elvis.. Today gonna rest & head to Beale St. downtown Memphis tonight. I hear there might be  a few Blues Clubs in the Vicinity.


  1. Alistair,
    Please don't tell me your wearing a white studded suit! Lee Arden

  2. So... you are finally on your way. We'll be in Florida for the month of Feb. If you are anywhere in the vicinity we should get together and have a brew or 2. G

  3. Did you buy me some blue suede shoes?

  4. I love the Christmas card...Ruby and Henry will really enjoy it. Cheers

