Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Unique little place just past Red Rock Canton with a western restaurant with bar, store, wax museum (?), petting zoo and small train ride around the place.  The uniquest part, was in the men's washroom where (according to Alistair) the urinals were just one huge old "claw legged style" bath tub in the centre of the room!!  Of course he did not tell me this until we were on our way home or else the picture would be included in the blog!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Even had their own "Motorcycle Designated Parking" area.
                                                              Multi-lingual sign:o))))

                                          Store and Wax Museum...............................

                                          Just a part of the place's charm  :o)))))))

                                       "Hey lady.....that will cost you a buck to take my photo!!!!"

       Oh my,.....I must prune and get ready... the tourists are almost here......oh dear, oh dear.   Never a
                                                                     moments peace!!!!

Peacock's......part of the farm collection of assorted birds and animals.  My grand daughter's fav!!!

                                                               On our way home!!!

Monday, March 19, 2012


We took a scooter ride just outside of Vegas heading west to a beautiful park called Red Rock Canyon. Only minutes from down town.  It was a warm sunny day and we enjoyed the ride and the view.  Nothing like driving the winding roadways through the mountains with little other traffic and the wind in ones face!!!!!!  Had a blast!!!  (at least ONE of us had the wind blowing through our hair.....LOL)

Desert Iguana mounting a Chuckwalla.....typical desert activity...

Alistair just LOVES snakes so he insisted on having a photo with one........good thing for him it was not real or he would have bolted for home, asap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Seriously.......he had to be coaxed by me to even sit this close to a FAKE snake!!!!!!!!

But thank goodness he doesn't have turtlophobia!!!!!!!!

Finally managed to get a photo of both of us on our scooter, "The Hardly Dangerous"
Turtle sightings are current in the area, hence the many Turtle X-ings.

The other tourist who took this picture obviously needs a few photography lessons !!!!

It really was a beautiful drive and a nice change of pace from the hustle and bustel and Glitz of Las Vegas

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Heading to Vega$

The direct route to Hoover Dam goes through the Joshua Tree forest. Odd beasties of trees and we now leave the land of the Saguaro cacti for the land of the slot machines !!

This is where you end up after too much time in Vega$

Sure is a whole lotta nuthin in these here parts....

But Beautiful !!

 Hoover from the auto bridge

The Strip - Might as well chuck the money out the window now !!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Lord of the Rings

We found these "Ents" from Lord of the Rings, coming out of the Salt River.

These are called "Mistletoe" plants and live off live trees and will eventually kill them. Pretty but also deadly !!

Superstition Mountain

Located just east of Mesa, had some great trail that you could choose the difficulty rating. We chose the "Suckface Rated Trails"

Lost in "Teddy Bear Cholla"

Going Home... Need Guinness NOW !!!

    Thursday, March 1, 2012

    More Wild Horses AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!

    Met some more on another hike. Actually, they met me.. That is why these are closer shots- I was out in the woods and they didn't see me- Walked right by me as I stood still, saw me but didn't care.